La fée de mon sprit

Bueno, desde hace rato queria algo para desahogarme, y creo que esta es una buena manera, la verdad es que encontrarán mucho azotes y payasadas mias, pero, me desahogan y puedo continuar con mivida. P.D. si lo se, que mamadas del ingles, pero pues todos estamos al nivel asi que no hay problema (lo de ingles es a proposito, jaja)

sábado, septiembre 23, 2006

Losing my religion, oh life is bigger...

Es una plática que tuve con un chavo en turquía, diganme que piensan, saben sobre el Islam?
yo soy agamedes para los que no saben (de qué hablo, nada mas me visitan dos personas... espero)

amr dice: hello
amr dice: dude
Agamedes dice: hey!!!
Agamedes dice: u here again
amr dice: tomorrow is ramadan
amr dice: yes i am here
amr dice: how r u this nite
Agamedes dice: cool
Agamedes dice: what's Ramadan?
amr dice: for muslims
amr dice: when they fast for a month
amr dice: it is about religion man
Agamedes dice: aaahhh
amr dice: i think u heard of
Agamedes dice: dont really know what it is about, r u muslim?
amr dice: yeah
amr dice: u catholic?
amr dice: or athiest?
Agamedes dice: catholic
Agamedes dice: isnt it hard to be gay in that religion?
amr dice: ah u belive in God
Agamedes dice: i believe in God
Agamedes dice: yes
amr dice: or cristian
Agamedes dice: Islam
amr dice: yes it is hard
amr dice: it is againest religion
Agamedes dice: yeah, i've heard, they even might kill u for that, isnt it?
amr dice: eiher islam or cristianity
amr dice: i am not sure
amr dice: but yes
Agamedes dice: nah, but u can find christian groups of gay people
amr dice: being a gay is a very horrible thing i mean
Agamedes dice: for the religion u mean
amr dice: yeah
amr dice: and in general man
amr dice: i must say the truth
Agamedes dice: in general?
Agamedes dice: no way
Agamedes dice: well
amr dice: yeah
Agamedes dice: dont mean to offend u, but i think it's wonderful
amr dice: emm
amr dice: gay is a psyco fact i guess
amr dice: i believe in that and not a nature
Agamedes dice:baww, that's sad
amr dice:blike many people believe in that
amr dice: why sad
Agamedes dice: well, we are what we are, we are born how we are born
amr dice: God don't create a person gay
amr dice: because it is banned in religions to be so . in any religion made by God i mean
Agamedes dice: i think it's hard already to be gay among people who think it's wrong, i cant imagine how more difficult i would make it if i believe is wrong
Agamedes dice: besides
Agamedes dice: Religion is something made by man
Agamedes dice: the nature, the trees, and the animals, that is made by god
amr dice: i don't mean the religions made by man
amr dice: because what is made by man is not a religion
Agamedes dice: oh, yes it is
amr dice: it is something what he find right in his opinion
Agamedes dice: no, man creates thoughts, and arrange them on his conviences
Agamedes dice: conviniences
Agamedes dice: his opions are his opinios
Agamedes dice: his thoughts are his thoughts
Agamedes dice: man bults castles and walls
Agamedes dice: builts temples and wars
Agamedes dice: we arrived in a world full of wonders, but we do not appreciate them because we are too much into our thoughts
Agamedes dice: well, sorry, that's what i believe
amr dice: yes
amr dice: everyone has his thoughts man
Agamedes dice: indeed
Agamedes dice: who's right?, who knows
amr dice: we will know in the end of our lives
Agamedes dice: i just believe that goodness comes with happiness, and happiness comes from whatever u want to be, without hurting anyone
amr dice: that are good words
amr dice: but what do u think about everyone after he will die
amr dice: what will happen i mean
amr dice: to him
Agamedes dice: i dont know, maybe his soul is lots over the streams of the tartar, maybe he'll arrive over to Avalon and live among fairies and elves. Maybe when i die, i would be going to Hell's seven circle, just because i'm a sodomit. But at least...
Agamedes dice: when i go, my concience would be resting and i would know that i enjoyed my left, and i`m ready to leave it
amr dice: wait man
amr dice: because i didn't understand
amr dice: some things
amr dice: tartar?
amr dice: avalon?
amr dice: fairies and elves
amr dice: hell circle
Agamedes dice: lol, well, i love mythologie
amr dice: sodomit
amr dice: ah
Agamedes dice: hold on
amr dice: ok
Agamedes dice: u know what's sodomite, right?
amr dice: no
amr dice: yes gay
Agamedes dice: no
amr dice: hell circle is Hell u mean
amr dice: i just translated it
Agamedes dice: hold on, let me explain
Agamedes dice: sodomite, is the person who likes to have anal sex, doenst matter if they're gay
Agamedes dice: there are straight couple who have anal sex
amr dice: ah
amr dice: something like Bisexual
Agamedes dice: no no
Agamedes dice: just anal sex
amr dice: anal
amr dice: ass
Agamedes dice: yes
amr dice: ok
amr dice: i know now
amr dice: some persons do it with women
amr dice: too
Agamedes dice: yes, of course
amr dice: what i am sure after anyone's death is
amr dice: that there will be Hell and paradis
Agamedes dice: how r u sure?
amr dice: ok mate cancel the word sure
Agamedes dice: lol
amr dice: hehe
Agamedes dice: u belive in hell and paradise, but noone has return to tell us they exist
amr dice: a person who is good and obey God will be to paradise
amr dice: emm if u urge a lot about that. kill urself now and u will see i am right
Agamedes dice: okay, that wasnt necessary
amr dice: yes man
amr dice: no one will belive easily
amr dice: everyone should get the experiment himself
Agamedes dice: but why should u have told me that? i didnt urge u to anything, didnt say i wanted to know if they existed or not
Agamedes dice: u said u were sure
Agamedes dice: and i asked why
Agamedes dice: how do u know
amr dice: no u tell me that no one told u that it exist
amr dice: u want a person tell u ?
Agamedes dice: who else will?
amr dice: I mean u can read the religions
amr dice: cristianity and Islam
amr dice: and any heavens religion
amr dice: our life in that world is a test
amr dice: u can succeed and pass or fail and fall
Agamedes dice: is man a cretion of god? or is god an invention of man?
Agamedes dice: i wanted to tell u what i thought, and i thought, for i have never encounter a muslim person, i thought it was going to be interesting to hear ur arguments
amr dice: say
amr dice: u was typing something
Agamedes dice: i'm sorry, but it wasn't nice what u told me, and i dont mean to argue. Nor do i want to change what u think, but i dont wanna be insulted
amr dice: i will not insult u
amr dice: man
amr dice: everyone say his opinion
amr dice: i told u what man that offend u?
Agamedes dice: "if u urge a lot about that. kill urself now and u will see i am right"
amr dice: lol
amr dice: i was joking with u about that
Agamedes dice: oh, okay
amr dice: anyway we can talk about smething else

viernes, septiembre 15, 2006


Nella materia del cuore che non sono stato mai masterful, l'amore è un abyss interminable, gradualmente io imprisoned di voi, io ritengono assente. Danno per temere i vostri occhi, le vostre mani, i vostri labbri e la vostra pelle me. Il timore di esperimento quando pensa tutto che cosa ignoro di voi, l'integrità matrice del vostro essere e voi continua ad essere un mistero. Encontrarte è stato violento, cadere incontrollabile, voi è una presa che mette in discussione l'importanza che conosco nella certezza che è infallibile, i vostri ritorni di presenza me vulnerabile. Il rischio sperimentale, di precipice stormy e scuro, quando chiedo il rifugio io pensa ai vostri bracci. Il dulzura della vostra faccia contraddice la sommossa delle vostre azioni, voi è un uomo nel innocence di un ragazzo. Se il mio madness trovasse la relativa origine non guiderebbe a me fino a che voi, undressing il mio buon senso. Cedo, io non desidero combattere quando la prova indica a me che è inevitabile... PER CADERE Noelle Gaona

En materia del corazón nunca he sido maestro, el amor es un abismo interminable, gradualmente soy presa de ti, me siento ausente. Me dan miedo tus ojos, tus manos, tus labios y tu piel. Experimento temor al pensar en todo aquello que ignoro de ti, amo la integridad de tu ser y sigues siendo un misterio. Encontrarte ha sido violento, caer incontrolable, eres una trampa que cuestiona la trascendencia que conozco en la certeza de ser infalible, tu presencia me torna vulnerable. Riesgo tentativo, de un precipicio tempestuoso y oscuro, cuando pido refugio pienso en tus brazos. La dulzura de tu rostro contradice la rebeldía de tus acciones, eres un hombre en la inocencia de un niño. Si mi locura encontrara su origen me guiaría hasta ti, despojando mi sensatez. me rindo, no quiero luchar cuando la evidencia me indica que es inevitable... CAER

sábado, septiembre 09, 2006

Pero que rico es estar engripado y que todos de concientan

Gripa._ dicese de la enfermedad que te causa calentura, sudoracion, cansancio y necesita de absoluto reposo; algun parecido con el orgasmo? hmm, excepto por los esturnudos, los mocos y el cuerpo cortado supongo.
En fin, el lunes sali con Noelle, fuimos a comer comida china a Coyoacan, me gusta ir los lunes porque puedo estacionar mi carro donde quiera, a diferencia del fin de semana; y que nos agarra la lluvia, estos dias locos, y como no me puse salivita detras de las orejas, pos que me agarra la gripa el jueves, y pues ya valio.
Pero no fue tan malo, fui a la escuela, porque no podia faltar, pero mis compañeros de equipo hicieron todo por mi, no quiero pensar que me estaba aprovechando, pero mi tarea la hicieron ellos, y pues eso hizo que me relajara un buen; el viernes sali con Noelle de nuevo, y me acompaño al doctor, que con suerte no tenia gente y no tardo mas que media hora en la consulta, nos fuimos a comer y regresamos a su casa, me dijo que me deberia de ir a la mia, pero no queria conducir con el trafico, me sentia muy mal, asi que le pedi que me dejara dormir una hora y media para que bajara el trafico, y dijo que si; me cuido y me estuvo dando mi medicina, es homeopatica entonces era cada media hora, se siente rico cuando tienes alguien que te cuide no?.
Cuando era hora de despertarme su mama se acerco a mi y me pregunto que si estaba enfermito, y me dio un tesito; ya regrese a mi casa, sin dejar de darle el habitual aventon a Noelle a Insurgentes, y ya se imaginaran como me recibieron en mi casa:
No pues exactamente lo que queria oir verdad?
Bueno, despues de explicar que habia ido al doctor y que no queria regresarme con el trafico me fui a dormir; me despertaron en la mañana, a las siete, para recordarme de tomarme mi medicina; no de la manera mas atenta, pero bueno, segun mi ma, yo la he amargado, y pues ya ni modos.
En fin, todo el dia no hice nada, me la pase acostado en mi camita y viendo la tele y chateando.
Es rico tener a alguien que te conciente, aunque la mayoria del tiempo me la pase haciendo corajes con el, es raro lo que uno siente y dificil de explicar no?

PD. perdonen, pero no voy a definir mi blog anterior, tal vez se me sale, o si no es que ya se me salo...
maldita sea, este teclado ya se desconfiguro de nuevo y nunca puder poner acentos, pero con un carajo!!!!